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Old 16 Apr 2012, 08:38 (Ref:3060062)   #6
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 51
Mark-e21 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Thank you chaps.

If it's OK, I thought I would make a quick mention of why I wish to raise funds for Cornwalls Air Ambulance. In December 04' I was in a terrible accident on the A30. Unfortunately my car struck a lamp post and this resulted in my breaking my neck in 2 places, my back in 2 places, fractured skull and a shattered pelvis. I also suffered massive internal injuries and severed a blood vessel in my groin. Had it now been for the crew of the CAA pulling me from the burning wreckage and operating on me, at the roadside, in order to stem the blood loss, I would not be sat here today.
I spent a month in a coma and the following year in Treliske Hospital in Truro. The care I received was fantastic and after extensive surgeries, I am back to 80% mobility and able to achieve my goal of sprinting my old BMW at club level. I still have some medical issues and walk with a stick, but I try not to let those little things stop me doing the things I enjoy. Crystal Palace last year was my first ever event and a massive personal achievement. The journey from being bedridden and unable to move anything but my eyes and arms was slow and painful, but waiting for that first green light was fantastic and a feeling I will hold dear for a good few years. I hadn't been all that long ago that I had been fighting for my life.

So, a year later, I guess I just want to do a little something to say thank-you. If I can use my story, my car and an event like Crystal Palace to raise some much needed funds, then I am proud to be able to do so. I would also like to thank everyone who has made a positive remark and committed to making a donation on the day.

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