Thread: Tech Issue The Sound Of The V6 Turbo PU..
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Old 8 Nov 2014, 21:26 (Ref:3472906)   #478
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 555
TRuss should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridTRuss should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
I agree Smurfer that Sound is important and that Sound can provoke emotion. That's why music is so important to our lives. I do feel though that for a long time many motorsports fans have been confusing Noise with Sound. The two are separate though. You can have plenty of amazing sounds without having them deafen you. To me and some others it seems the old engines seem to produce more noise than sound. An amazing noise granted but in the end it's just noise. It's an assault on the senses and that can be great fun, but it is also quite fatiguing. Especially over extended periods of time. And all that you can really discern from the noise is that it's loud and noisy. I think I'd rather hear a pleasing sound at lower db that I can actually enjoy for the entirety that it has been presented to me. Something that I can actually listen to, appreciate and allow me to communicate with those who are with me. Instead of looking forward to the race ending so that I can communicate with my friends in something other than a crude finger pointing sign language.

Even though this is just my opinion which I know means nothing. After all nobody in the technical working group thought to include me. It's still important to remember that things change. I think some say that is the only constant. You can either keep that in mind and evolve right alongside it or you can remove yourself. That might not be so bad though. Vintage racing is really picking up in popularity and the cars are truly the stars. Many of them Sound fantastic and at times can be pretty Noisy as well. Maybe like me you are complex and a little confused and can enjoy both.
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